Astronomical Energy Bill? It Could Be Your AC in Palm Springs, CA

Your energy bill will rise when you start regularly using your AC in Palm Springs, CA, but it should be pretty consistent once you create a consistent cooling schedule. Let’s say, though, that your monthly bill rises despite there being no change to your schedule or set temperature. Read on to learn about some issues that can cause your cooling costs to go through the roof.

Faulty or Malfunctioning Components

The most obvious explanation would be that some component in your AC has become faulty. Maybe the evaporator coil is failing to absorb heat from your home, or the condenser coil in the compressor can’t release it. Perhaps a dirty filter or a closed vent is restricting airflow and putting pressure on the AC’s motor.

The strain of all of this will force the AC to work harder to maintain your desired level of comfort. This translates to higher bills for the same performance.

Long Running Times

Dirty coils will fail to cool your home, and your AC will run on and on without doing its job. A failing fan and motor will weakly blow out cool air, which means the cycle will be longer. Naturally, these long cycles will contribute to a rise in cooling costs.

Old or Outdated Equipment

Another possibility is that your AC is nearing the end of its 10- or 15-year lifespan. The older a system is, the less efficient it gets, so you may need to consider a brand-new AC installation in the near future.

Highly Trusted AC Technicians

At Champion HVAC, we believe that annual maintenance is crucial to keeping your energy bills down, so call us today to learn more about our maintenance plan. The benefits include repair discounts and same-day priority service. We’ve been in business since 2013, and there’s no make or model of AC that we can’t work with.

Image provided by iStock

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