Why Does My Home Have Uneven Airflow in La Quinta, CA?

Homes in La Quinta, CA, rely on having proper airflow to maintain comfort year-round. There are, however, multiple reasons that a home might suffer from comfort-robbing uneven airflow. Here are three common reasons for uneven airflow and what to do about them.

Dirty or Clogged HVAC Filters

The airflow produced by an HVAC system begins with its main blower fan. In most HVAC systems, an air filter prevents the fan from drawing in dust and other debris. If that filter gets excessively dirty, it will restrict the HVAC unit’s ability to produce even airflow.

Fortunately, it’s simple to change out an HVAC air filter, as most are disposable. If a dirty air filter is the cause of your home’s uneven airflow, a new one should fix the problem. If you find your HVAC filter getting dirty often, however, you might have an indoor air quality problem, too.

Blocked Air Registers or Vents

Another frequent source of uneven airflow in homes happens when you close air registers or vents. Modern central HVAC systems rely on their ductwork to provide specific amounts of air to specific points in a home. Closing registers and vents prevent an HVAC system from doing what it’s designed to do.

This is also a common problem when you place furniture in front of HVAC registers. Even when doing so doesn’t block the register completely, it will disrupt airflow. For even airflow around the home, it’s best to leave all registers and vents open and unobstructed at all times.

Damaged Ductwork

Since a home’s HVAC ductwork is so vital to maintaining proper airflow, any damage to it will have an impact. Ductwork can get damaged when there’s too much air pressure, which can result from closing too many registers. Damaged ductwork can leak air and prevent it from getting to where it’s needed in the home.

Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do about damaged ductwork. An HVAC contractor would need to open up finished walls or ceilings to remedy the problem. Alternatively, they might recommend replacing the home’s central AC with a new, efficient ductless AC system.

We offer complete HVAC installation, repair, and maintenance services to homes all over the La Quinta area. Plus, we’ve got 30 years of experience, so you’ll always know we’ll solve your problem with ease. So, if your home has airflow issues and may need HVAC repair, contact Champion HVAC right away!

Image provided by iStock

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