Variable-Speed Air Conditioners are Ultra-Efficient
For Indian Wells, CA homeowners, air conditioning is a basic necessity of life. Variable-speed air conditioners provide consistent indoor comfort with no wasted energy. In fact, a high-efficiency variable-speed air conditioning system can start saving you money as soon as your installation is complete.
Traditional Air Conditioners
Traditional cooling systems are controlled by the thermostat setting. Single-speed systems are either running at full speed or not running at all. When the indoor temperature exceeds the thermostat setting, the AC cycles on. When the desired thermostat setting is reached, the AC cycles off.
Variable-Speed Air Conditioners
Variable-speed AC systems monitor indoor temperatures and continually adjust output to maintain the thermostat setting. These systems run almost constantly on a low setting, and that’s enough to keep your home cool and comfortable for most of the summer.
How Variable-Speed Systems Work
Using advanced technology, a variable-speed cooling system can run at speeds between 30% and 100%. It all depends on what your home currently needs. Because they are always running, variable-speed air conditioners can remove more indoor humidity. Low humidity makes you feel cooler, so you can raise the thermostat setting with no loss of comfort.
Longer and slower running cycles reduce the dehumidification load on your air conditioner and help your equipment last longer. Extended running times mean cleaner indoor air because that air is constantly passing through the filter.
Reduced Energy Use and Lower Energy Costs
Traditional air conditioners burn energy by cycling on and off all day. Variable-speed systems can run all day on a low setting using only a fraction of the same energy. They can maintain the desired temperature within a half-degree or more.
At Champion HVAC, our professional HVAC installation team understands the complexities of a high-tech AC installation. Visit us online or call us to learn more.
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